
  • Our Daily Bread Network Launches in Brussels

    Our Daily Bread Network Launches in Brussels

    The 14th and 15th of January 2025 marked a significant milestone for ‘Our Daily Bread’, with the network’s first-ever summit being held and the initiative officially launched in Brussels. The events started with an internal summit at the Maison Notre-Dame du Chant-d’Oiseau, a conference centre on the grounds of a Franciscan Friary in Brussels, where…

  • A Christian Vision for Sustainable Food Systems – Launch Event

    A Christian Vision for Sustainable Food Systems – Launch Event

    Join us for the launch of the ‘Our Daily Bread’ network – an innovative initiative bringing together Christian faith-based organisations to advocate for sustainable and just food systems in Europe. On 15 January 2024, from 14:00-15:30 at the Chapel for Europe in Brussels, we shall explore how faith-based organisations can drive meaningful change in agricultural…

  • Faith Organisations and Food Policy: a research report from JESC

    Faith Organisations and Food Policy: a research report from JESC

    Faith has many different and important connections to food policy, concludes a research report from JESC. Faith-Based Organizations and European Food Policy is the result of research that began in July 2023 and sought to examine the involvement of faith based organisations across the European Union and their involvement in sustainable agriculture and food systems.  This study…