For many Christians across the world sharing food is a fundamental need and blessing. This can be witnessed through the Lord’s Prayer, where millions of Christians pray the words ‘Our Daily Bread’ every day.
Yet, we must recognise that too often the way we produce and share food threatens to destroy the fundamentals of our lives. We produce food on nearly half of the habitable area of the world. On all continents, this causes the destruction of habitats, degradation of soils, depletion of water resources and pollution of the atmosphere.
The European Union has the world’s most generous agricultural subsidy system (the Common Agricultural Policy – CAP) which was established to provide food security, protection of biodiversity, promote sustainable rural development and provision of healthy and nourishing food for all citizens.
Yet the CAP not only allows the destruction of ecosystems, soils and water resources that provide the productivity of land but it also unfairly treats many farmers by favouring industrial food production.
By joining forces in Our Daily Bread, we express our Christian commitment to safeguarding our common home and all its inhabitants and acting in solidarity with those affected by injustices in food systems. Join our movement and contribute to our work towards more sustainable food systems in Europe.
Who can be part of the Our Daily Bread network?
- A Christian organisation operating in the EU, or
- Well-established informal groups affiliated with a Christian church
- Official church bodies and non-faith-based organisations can become observers without voting rights
Read our Manifesto to understand what we stand for. If you want to know more, or you are considering joining the coalition, contact us at info@ourdailybreadnetwork.eu – we are looking forward to hearing from you.